P'tach Libi: A Siddur for Shabbat and Festival Mornings

Kol Tzedek is proud to share a new prayerbook, P’tach Libi: A Siddur for Shabbat and Festival Mornings. It includes full Hebrew liturgy and full transliteration, as well as gender-inclusive and gender-neutral language for both the davener and the Divine. In first-person prayers (Modeh Ani, Birkat haGomel, etc), we incorporate non-binary Hebrew alongside traditional masculine and feminine options. With gratitude to the Reconstructionist Press, the siddur utilizes the beloved entire English translation of the Kol Haneshama Siddur. The translation lives alongside contemporary Queer, Feminist, Black, Indigenous, Palestinian and POC poetry and songs. The siddur is light-weight, with hyper-legible fonts and a three column page layout. The pages overflow with beautiful original artwork by Lizzie Sivitz of Nireh Or. The book is bound and hardcover, with a foil-stamped cover, and a gold ribbon to help you keep your place as you pray!

Please use this order form if you can pick up your siddur(im) from Kol Tzedek in West Philadelphia. If you would like them shipped directly to your house, please purchase them through Ayin Press. 
